Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, August 24, 2003

The Aaton Cantar-X, an eight-track 24/96 recorder in a water-resistant enclosure that costs $15,000, records on removable, shock- mounted hard disk media, as well as FireWire drives. Bluetooth connectivity allows the entry of scene and take numbers and other metadata from a Palm PDA.
I checked into the Cantar recorder....but that's a little much.....
7:36:19 PM    comment [];

Sweet........check this out:
A portable field recorder which offers both rotary faders on its nine analog inputs AND six waterproof linear faders and pan pots for track levelling and 'live' mixdown.
A 24bit, 96KHz HDD recorder - with 18 simultaneous inputs - which nevertheless runs for 10 to 15 hours from it's on-board battery set.
A sophisticated recorder with a touch screen where it has to be, in the hands. A Bluetooth connected PDA controls the '18 inputs to 8 track' routing, recalls the user's routings and settings, and allows the script supervisor to enter scene and take IDs from up to fifteen meters (45 feet).
A peace of mind recorder: built-in CDR driver burns the mixdown of the day in less than 6 minutes. The external CDR burner is powered trough FireWire, no delay at wrap-up.

2:56:09 PM    comment [];

Web Store going live this week.....
We think we are ready to open our web store this week. When we go live you will be able to access the store directly from a link at the bottom of the homepage, right next to the NEWS field...I think we were able to come up with a competitive price structure as we will sell CDs for $16 with FREE First Class shipping. Aren't you glad we did not come up with 15.75 or 15.95 or even 15.99??? Yeah right, 15.99 sounds a lot cheaper than 16.........
Shipping to Europe and Australia will be an additional $12 via Airmail (4-7 days). Those 12 bucks will take care of shipping between 1 and 4 order 4 CDs at once and save.... : )
PS: We have to buy "In the Arms of Love" and "The Santa Fe Sessions" from Higher Octave, hence the $16 price. Starting with Nouveaumatic we aim to sell my records for $14, including First Class USPS shipping.
Or should we call it $13.99? Do people really fall for that stuff? I mean do we really believe that 13.99 is cheaper than 14.00? You see, I love that Budweiser ad with the woman taking forever trying to decide what lunch to order and her date/boyfriend ordering at lightning speed - but I would never buy Budweiser because I don't like it.....however we always get several cases of Bud every night because my crew loves it....
1:20:57 PM    comment [];

Jeremy's PC is
Jeremy, our Merchandise person has that nasty MS Worm on his Dell Laptop which has been completely disabled. I suggested starting up from the installation CD and erasing the HD followed by re-installing the software. Now, with a Mac this is easily accomplished by powering up the computer while holding down the C key, which tells the computer to start up from the CD. Jeremy is trying to find a Windows command so he can start up from the Installation CD without having to start up the PC first and then defining the startup or boot volume. That won't work in this case as his PC is too infected and will shut down on its own. He claims he can't find anything in the documantation. I am hoping that one of you knows better and can enter a comment to this entry! Thanks!!
1:13:57 PM    comment [];

Nice rain on Saturday afternoon. Maybe a Rain Dance during Indian Market?? Santa Fe is packed, packed, packed with people this week-end. I stayed in my studio and put a guitar solo on a track Jon and I are working on. I use about 35 bars of Pre-Roll and the Loop Recording function and then just keep jamming until I feel I am hitting the right vibe. This one is longer than my soli usually are, but it has a great feel to it and since I don't care about radio play anymore it doesn't matter how long a song is as long as it feels right.
The trees around here are really enjoying the moisture and some pinons have grown a couple of inches overnight!...
10:13:17 AM    comment [];

Noise 7
A picture named Noise7.jpg
9:59:04 AM    comment [];

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