Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, August 4, 2003

Water voodoo - let it rain.....2
A picture named water36.jpg
11:05:23 PM    comment [];

The Earth's diverging timescales -- GMT, atomic, GPS, and Coordinated Universal -- are the subject of increased scrutiny as the possibility of catastrophic temporal reconciliation events increases:

Unbeknown to most people there is not a single accepted way of telling the time, but several different scales running concurrently. The differences are usually small, but the scales can be as much as 30 seconds apart and the gap between them is growing steadily.

Aircraft navigation systems tell a different time from the watches of passengers, pilots and air traffic controllers. Experts are warning that this could spell disaster...

"We should only have one type of timescale throughout the world," says Bill Klepczynski, a time expert who advises the federal aviation administration. "There's a possibility for danger..."

The problem arises because the Earth cannot keep time as accurately as modern atomic clocks, which count the steady shaking of atoms. These atomic clocks replaced the motion of the Earth as the world's official timekeeper in 1967. The pull of the moon is gradually slowing our planet down, so every now and then our clocks are halted for a second to let it catch up.


9:56:33 PM    comment [];

It ain't cheap (retail price: $1,499), but Lexar has a new four gigabyte CompactFlash memory card out. Let's pause and think about this for a moment. Four gigabytes is enough to store as many as 45,000 JPEGs, which is probably more photographs than the average person will take in their entire lifetime. [Gizmodo]
4 GB - that's over 6 hours of CD quality sound without moving parts! While that much storage makes only sense for the serious photographer who might shoot for large posters, I can think of many sound recording applications....
9:02:18 PM    comment [];

That was easy. Len lets me ramble on and later he will somehow extract those important soundbites...I often do this: I talk to the interviewer by phone and record my voice on DAT, while the interviewer records his part of the conversation. When they get the CD with my part they can combine the two parts on whichever DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) they are using and voila - the listener thinks we sat in the same room...
1:58:11 PM    comment [];

From up to date Music News to biographical artist information, SmartJock is the number one choice for show prep. It provides compelling listener-driven ammunition for great teases, back announcements and transitions. The network is constantly updated by writers who work in close contact with record labels and musicians. This research technology is the best way to keep air talent and their listeners connected to the music industry.
SmartJock is a tool for radio jockeys and today I am doing a phone interview w Len over at SmartJock. Gotta think of small soundbites....the whole world is getting cut up into small tasty not have a long thought - it won't fit!!! Think small, easily digestable...
1:04:03 PM    comment [];

The first thing to remember about matching food and wine is to forget the rules. Forget about shoulds and shouldn'ts. Forget about complicated systems for selecting the right wine to enhance the food on the table. This is not rocket science. It's common sense. Follow your instincts.
Nice article on pairing food and wine. Here is one of my favorites: Chinese food + Pinot Noir, mmh!
12:28:45 PM    comment [];

Water voodoo - let it rain.....
A picture named water03.jpg
8:25:52 AM    comment [];

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