Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, August 20, 2003

A picture named water68.jpg
9:14:09 PM    comment [];

From a conversation I had today....
How do people find each other? Is it the look, or is it the smell of a person or maybe the sound of the voice? Looks are one thing, but much more alluring and lasting is the smell or the sound of a lover. I propose that in the long run it is easier to be with a person who smells good to us or has a voice timbre we love than to be with a breathtaking beauty who squaks and doesn't smell right...I do believe that we get a lot more information than we consciously realize from the sound of somebody's voice - and from their scent. This of course brings me back to one of my pet arguments (which was raised again by the Da Vinci Code book): I feel that we live in masculine times. The eyes rule over the ears. The ears are inward, receptive - feminine. The eyes are outward, lasers, daggers - masculine.....
9:03:13 PM    comment [];

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