Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Most beautiful house of the 20th Century
A picture named Malaparte2.jpg

Beautiful book by Michael McDonough called "Malaparte: A House like Me". I bought a DVD of the film "Contempt" just to see more images of this spectacular house on the Italian coast, which many people consider the most beautiful house of the 20th Century.

10:36:02 PM    comment [];

Jon and I worked on a very cool arrangement of a classical piece by Tchaikovsky today. Great melody and harmony. It rained in the evening.
10:00:22 PM    comment [];

A picture named 006.jpgThe Goddess. Lots of old Citroen brochures and ads. Via retrolounge. [The Cartoonist]
These were the coolest cars of the sixties. My dad recently gave a Citroen toy car I had as a little kid.....
9:48:04 PM    comment [];

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