Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Snakecharmer Video Pt. 4
A picture named video2.jpg
10:26:44 PM    comment [];

Bloomberg reports that Apple CEO Steve Jobs is the highest paid chief executive in the US, earning $219 million a year... [MacMinute]
The ratio between the highest paid and the lowest paid person at any given corporation should stay in some kind of relation, I think.....
9:55:05 PM    comment [];

The New Morser (20 years later)
A picture named NewMorserWeb.jpg
9:45:25 PM    comment [];

The leader of this competition has driven almost 30,000 miles with a 92.3 mpg average. Wow!
9:37:52 PM    comment [];

It is not known why or how this works, but it is worth a try: You can tape sandwich-size zip-top bags half filled with water to your doors. These water bags will repel flies.
Now here is some practical news!! I have a lot of flies because I have some neighbors who own live stock and will try this tomorrow morning!! I will keep you posted! - Thanks Carol!
8:57:55 PM    comment [];

1993 - Grungemenco
A picture named OLmay1993.jpg

This photo might be from our Mexico City show in 1993. 8,000 people came to see us at the Auditorio Nacional.

7:49:02 PM    comment [];

Internet News
Report: ISPs Block 17 Percent of Legit E-mail By Brian Morrissey

Top Internet service providers blocked 17 percent of legitimate permission-based e-mail in the first half of the year, according to a report issued by Return Path.

via Scott Mace

I pronounce email officially broken. If 17 percent of legit email is being blocked by spam filters, it's not officially working.
[Joi Ito's Web]

7:29:39 PM    comment [];

Paul Boutin's written a great piece in the new Wired about the right way to do WiFi: Free.
Sure, leasing a broadband connection with a Wi-Fi base is cheap. But add a billing system - secure login server, transactional database, credit card processing, tech staff, customer service operators standing by - and the outlay skyrockets to $30, $50, even $70 a day, particularly if there are lots of support calls. (Ironically, most of those calls will be about problems with the billing system itself.)

If you want to see the right way to serve wireless access, find a Schlotzsky's Deli. The Austin, Texas-based sandwich chain figured out the secret of making money from Wi-Fi: Give it away. Schlotzsky's lets anyone sign up and use its network free, even if they don't come in for a sandwich. The chain advises its 600 franchise owners to beam Wi-Fi signals through the walls into nearby hotels, parks, and college dorms. Such complimentary access points are popping up everywhere, from Buck's, a roadside restaurant in Woodside, California, to the Portland Harbor Hotel on the Maine coast. And why not? Giving away wireless broadband saves on billing costs, attracts customers, and creates an instant competitive advantage. Buck's owner Jamis MacNiven, who serves buttermilk pancakes to some of Silicon Valley's top venture capitalists, has the perfect rap on the topic: "Charging for online usage would be like charging for salt and pepper."


7:13:32 PM    comment [];

"Imagine Tom Clancy mated with William Gibson, with James Michener acting as a midwife, and you begin to get the idea."

[Gibson Blog]
I read Cryptonomicon while on tour and did hang on every word......what a great book!
6:38:29 PM    comment [];

And another old Chinese photo....
A picture named OldWide.jpg
1:31:54 PM    comment [];

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