Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, August 5, 2003

HoloTouch[dot accent] interactive technology creates holographic images of controls that float in thin air. Simply "touch" the image projected in front of you to dial a cellphone, control medical equipment, change the channel, and more.
Mixing via conducting in the air seems only a decade off.......
8:20:51 PM    comment [];

Pic of the Martech - looks like something from the fifties......
A picture named p2_m1s01.jpg
9:02:39 AM    comment [];

We tested this pre-amp against 10 or 11 other pre-amp last year and found that this unit worked best for the nylon-stringed guitar.
9:02:01 AM    comment [];

Studio: I cleaned up to get ready 4 the next album....
A picture named studio1.jpg
8:14:45 AM    comment [];

Dave Matthews Band has taped all of their shows since their earliest days, with the process for doing only getting more complex over time. Their setup is quite impressive -- 48 tracks of 24-bit audio, redundantly multitracked on tape and hard drives, archived on up to 120 CDs per show, which are vacuum-sealed in plastic, closed into PVC piping, and archived in three different climate-controlled locations.
That takes a lot of storage space. 120 CDs per show times 100 shows a year times 5 years is 60,000 CD. You'd need a warehouse, or three actually. And who will listen to every single show to see which tracks to use, assuming that they would be released at some point....Editing is a major part of work, i.e. don't keep every photo from a session, just keep the one that says it best, because when are you going to have the time to look through all of them again. I feel the same way about music. I wouldn't want to have to listen to several hundred versions of a song to decide which one I like best. Thanks Richard.
7:58:36 AM    comment [];

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