Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, August 15, 2003

Great photos for people who are reading the book The Da Vinci Code....
9:17:18 PM    comment [];

Peking 1912
A picture named WalledCity.jpg
9:04:35 PM    comment [];

It's been nice here without electricity -- the city was so quiet; there were hundreds of thousands of people out on the street -- last night was like a giant city-wide block party. Candles lighting up bars. We hung out and had hard salami and brie last night, with candles of course, at a friend's Soho loft. The air was cleaner than it's probably been in NYC since before the automobile. When the power came on today it was a strange feeling to actually see my computer screen glowing again. There is still almost no food available -- the supermarkets and the restaurants had to throw everything away because there was no refrigeration. I saw civilians in the streets directing traffic because there were no traffic lights.
Minding the Planet via [BoingBoing]

I was trying to imagine what it would be like to have been on tour in Manhattan could have been horrific or maybe we could have played somewhere on the street - that would have been very cool....
8:47:58 PM    comment [];

The Gadgeteer has a review of the Kensington WiFi Finder and reaches the same conclusion as other reviews: it doesn't work. [The Connected PDA]

7:41:51 PM    comment [];

Windows XP Pro
I had to use a PC today. It wasn't the first time I have used one as I had one in my studio to run the Koan music software for several years. I think I can honestly say that if there was no Apple....I would still be recording analog and would be one of those people that don't use computers at all. I can't believe how clunky Windows XP Pro is and I cant believe that people put up with that. I mean how un-elegant and pathetic can an OS be before people say no, that won't do, that is just not good enough...
7:27:52 PM    comment [];

My Tipi in 1994?
A picture named TipiSmall.jpg
7:20:37 PM    comment [];

The first whale-fart ever captured on film.

via [Boing Boing] [iceplant radio]

8:19:52 AM    comment [];

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