Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, August 14, 2003

Welcome to phonecam nation. A public phonecam blog devoted to mobile snapshots of the 08-14-03 east coast power blackouts. The organizers say "send images via email to" [BoingBoing]

8:11:46 PM    comment [];

The Da Vinci Code: John or Mary Magdalene
A picture named LastSupper.jpg
7:28:09 PM    comment [];

Old photo from China
A picture named Old-4.jpg
7:22:15 PM    comment [];

New Mexico Joke
Knock, knock
6:38:19 PM    comment [];

We didn't even realize that the New York Police Department possessed these sorts of powers, but apparently they've banned the use of the Segway HT on public streets, sidewalks, and parks. (Except for themselves -- the NYPD is testing out ten Segways for use by its officers.) The defiant leader of the New York City Segway Owners group vows to ride on. [Gizmodo]
Well, that's because NYC does not have a pollution problem....Ha!
5:49:14 PM    comment [];

A Wired magazine opinion piece by Contributing Editor Josh McHugh says that Disney or Sony should buy Apple. Of course, rumors of this nature pop up every few months, but McHugh feels rumor should become reality. Why? Because although "every few years, Apple Computer consistently comes out of the blue with products that alter the trajectory of the technology business and leave observers rubbing their eyes in amazement," the company "clutches a meager 3 percent of the computer market." [MacCentral]
What, buy a Disney Mac...I might buy an IBM computer before I'd do that...
5:46:26 PM    comment [];

North poleYahoo reports the Arctic ice cap will melt in 100 years. Now that's special. "Since 1978, the ice cap has shrunk by nearly three or four percent per decade. At the turn of the century there will be no more ice at the North Pole in summer." (Click pic at left for a cool satellite picture of the North pole. Pun intended :)

[Critical Section]
5:39:53 PM    comment [];

What a fantastic book! I can't put it down! It is so cool when a great book is a best seller. It gives one faith....
5:34:08 PM    comment [];

The New Morser Mystery
Regarding yesterdays post of a drawing for a New Morser: I built my first morser myself around 1982 and it worked like this:
Well, first of all remember everything was analog in those days...I would take a radio (newscasts are great for this!) into the studio, or a cassette recorder with some rich string orchestration (stolen from a classical record for example) and then I would hook the cassette recorder or radio up to the studio's multitrack recorder through the morser. Then I would "play along" to a song my band had recorded by "morsing" the sounds from the radio broadcast, in effect cutting up the radio signal into small rhythmic jabs that were still recognizeable as human voice, but not as words. Or in case of the classical orchestration the morser would cut the string section into short blasts that created a whole new melody - of course I had to find a string section that was in the same key as the song I was working on. Especially good are slow moving string lines...
Yes, now all of that is childs play with a computer....but this pre-dates a Macintosh by a couple of years...well, this is a drawing for a new morser that will be in stereo and which will work with an iPod which will give a great library for morsing/cutting up....
5:31:14 PM    comment [];

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