Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, March 31, 2003

I bought a Philips DVD burner at the end of December, among other things to archive old TV appearances and DVD will hold the contents of about 10-20 of these VHS tapes which means more space in the garage!!! When I picked up the unit it would not work properly and it was very frustrating to spend 30 minutes recording something only to find out that the burner could not finalize the DVD. Then I heard through the grapevine that Philips had trouble with the laser assembly and that I should keep returning the unit to Philips until they got it right. Well, I returned it once and they got it right. Now it works like a charm.
9:19:48 AM    comment [];

Amid fierce debate, Russia displays art looted from Germany.

If everyone was to return looted art, England would have to return a lot of the stuff in its museums, ditto France...I believe I learned in school that the diamond encrusted gold shrine in the Cologne cathedral was stolen from a church in Milan hundreds of years ago...
9:04:46 AM    comment [];

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