Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, March 13, 2003

Rendezvous is a crazy movie I saw for the first time around 1994 when a friend gave me a VHS copy for bus entertainment. It's insane and exhilarating and a total rush. The short 9 minute film has been underground for many years because it is said that the director was arrested after the first public showing. Don't try this at home, in fact don't try this at all. The above link is to an article about Rendezvous, which in turn links to a quicktime preview...
10:52:46 PM    comment [];

I mentioned making Barcode art before...BoingBoing had a link to this...
3:25:01 PM    comment [];

I see travel in my future..... Right now it looks like I will fly to Italy to play guitar on Leda Battisti's third album in April or May and in between our US tours we might go to Europe for some festival shows in July. If the festival dates become a confirmed reality we will of course post them on our touring schedule. The first leg of the US tour that starts in June should be up any day now as the dates have been confirmed.
12:39:22 PM    comment [];

Next year marks the 15th anniversary of Jon Gagan and I working together, and the 10th anniversary of Dan McKinley providing us with brilliant monitor mixes on stage and Kevin Smith creating magical lightshows with our limited budget. (Dan calls Kevin the Painter)
12:23:29 PM    comment [];

French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast, French Fries, French Toast - hey, if you invent a good thing you should be able to take proper credit for it!
12:16:12 PM    comment [];

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