Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, March 27, 2003

Another article on HSS...I am frightened and intrigued and have more ideas:
1. Car alarm with HSS aiming 145db of sound at the thief/driver
2. Laptops w HSS sound aimed at user only
3. Car phone using HSS built in dash board
12:58:07 PM    comment [];

Built-in laptop speakers suck. I want a laptop with built-in HSS now! Stereo sound, maybe even surround sound that won't bother people within earshot....

(When I am able to bring external speakers I carry Genelec 1029A self-powered speakers that I plug my laptop into - they are fantastic and I use the for mixing as well)
12:49:09 PM    comment [];

"The Supreme Court recently ruled that congress' extending copyright protection for yet another 20 years does not violate the Constitution. The extension was pushed primarily by Disney, which didn't want any of its old Mickey Mouse cartoons entering the public domain. Now artistic works are protected for the lifetime of the creator plus 70 years; for companies, 95 years. Maybe Congress should just be done with it and declare that a copyright is forever. Disney, of course, hasn't hesitated to help itself to characters or works in the public domain, such as Pinocchio, Cinderella and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame." - from Steve Forbes' editorial in Forbes Magazine
6:47:51 AM    comment [];

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