Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, March 17, 2003


In nearly every case, the new versions are more interesting, more passionate, than the original arrangements, first released in the early '90s.
4:47:20 PM    comment [];

I was able to watch the three hour Grammy broadcast in under 30 minutes using the Dishnet PVR. It is amazing how little time you waste when you have a finger readied on that 30 second skip button. I know that broadcast stations hate PVRs (Personal Video Recorders using Hard Drives), but I think w/o a PVR I would probably not watch any TV, period. Now I can answer the phone and pause a live broadcast - the PVR starts delaying the broadcast by recording it on its HD.
12:50:58 PM    comment [];

CBS Early Show Saturday on 3/29/03 In New York the show airs live 7 - 9 AM. Please check local listings for times. Jon and I will travel to the East Coast next week and play live on the CBS Early Show. We will be flying into DC with his giant acoustic bass case and my 69 pound guitar flight case (1 pound under the 70 pound limit). We are scheduled to take a train from DC to NYC on Friday and we are told that the doors of the train are large enough for the bass...should be interesting!
9:25:49 AM    comment [];

The music and movie industries have stepped up their campaigns to label people who trade files as pirates who steal from artists and who are violating the law. It's not working. The public is saying "Talk to the Hand".

9:14:32 AM    comment [];

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