Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, March 11, 2003

I found a note on the lunanegra web site from somebody claiming that the Frog-boiling-to-death-instead-of-jumping-to-safety story was bunk. Yeah, but it is so TRUE that it doesn't matter whether it was invented! I mean how often have we all been unhappy with a situation and how HARD is it to figure out WHEN to make a change!
1:44:29 PM    comment [];

Just did a phone interview with Bloomberg Radio in New York. Asked about the future I couldn't help saying that record companies won't be very prominent in it for me. Next week Jon and I will schlepp his giant acoustic bass and my guitar to the East Coast for a couple of TV appearances.
1:20:30 PM    comment [];

Quote of the day: "The record industry has become the National Rifle Association of showbusiness. It has declared jihad on its customers who it calls pirates," said Wayne Rosso, head of file-sharing firm Grokster.
7:03:18 AM    comment [];

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