Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, March 15, 2003

Check out this beautiful tea set. The tea looks like it is floating in the double walled glass which also keeps ice tea cold and hot tea hot....maybe some tea from my personal favorite supplier: Ten Ren in San Francisco's China Town?

10:55:30 PM    comment [];

The cryptographic handshake is more than just comparing two policies to make sure they?re identical. And, of course, if the content owner has built in an escape hatch to allow key revocation for security lapses, I?d better have some kind of strong assurance that they won?t decide to hold my music collection for ransom five years down the line.

But it gets worse. If that song is copyrighted ? which, after all, is the putative basis for this whole game ? that copyright will expire at some point. That means you need to build an expiration date into the rights grant (just in case your handheld is still around in 2098). Once you?ve done that, well, the device needs to be secure against rolling its clock forward to 2099; if it gets a time from a central server, that server had better be secure and trusted both by content owners and consumers.

The infrastructure for workable DRM doesn't just involve redesigning all hardware, outlawing open source, suppressing the speech of scientists and researchers, constraining fair use and first sale: it also involves creating a secure, authenticated timekeeping mechanism.
9:17:41 PM    comment [];

- one Italian and one French under $9 and the last one, a Super Tuscan rather more....

This first link is for the Italian red table wine...
You might be able to find this popular Cote du Rhone locally for around 10 bucks although I have seen restaurants charge about $35 for a bottle. (Tip: beware of the second lowest priced bottle of wine at restaurants. Restauranteurs being smart people have figured out that nobody picks the lowest priced wine and few people pick the higher priced wines - ergo they charge the most profit on the second cheapest wine....)
I tasted the Sammarco for the first time in Florence in 1996. A friend of mine called the winery hoping to send a couple of cases back to the U.S., but when he finally reached a person at the winery after several days of trying they laughed at the request and said....maybe we can sell you 4 bottles, we are sold out....Hm, you know, I shouldn't even tell about this wine because the price has already doubled in the last 5 years - supply and demand....
5:50:10 PM    comment [];

Will we find these ideas hilarious or insightful? From Wired Magazine.

5:40:46 PM    comment [];

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