Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, April 1, 2003

Ah, I can breath easier again....
11:21:51 PM    comment [];

Looks like I might be leaving for Italy in about three weeks to record guitars for Leda Battisti's third album. I picked Swiss as my airline. Great safety record plus the whole country is neutral - a good choice these days I figured. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon above web site... Is nothing sacred anymore? How am I going to get to Europe?
11:17:39 PM    comment [];

I never buy the newest computer, always wait until "the bugs have been worked out". But this time I couldn't resist. I received my 17" PB yesterday and it is indeed amazing. There I was last night, standing in my kitchen, turning the light on and off and watching the laptop automatically adjust the brightness of the screen and the light behind the keyboard that let's you see every key in the's a little big, but the screen will be great for editing music. It's as big as the flat screen I currently use in our studio....I just hook up the Magma chassis with the ProTools cards and am ready to roll....Jonathon Ives is a genius. The Apple Designers may be a team, but Ives leads them to perfection....
12:30:30 PM    comment [];

from agda (Australian Graphic Design Association): Great interview in the Financial Times (UK) with Jonathon Ives of Apple Computer, creator of the iMac, G4 Powerbook, iPod and other lust-worthy objects.
Excerpt: Why is the team small? "Well, it's very difficult to find good people. Also we have a pre-verbal way of communicating which works best in small team. At their inception, ideas are invariably fragile and it's easy to miss them. Small groups of people are more sensitive to spotting these good ideas. With hindsight, a great idea seems obvious, but it's not always easy to spot in the process."
12:21:46 PM    comment [];

DrumXtreme has a “rack” setup that makes it look and feel more like a traditional drum set. It comes complete with five drum pads, foot-pedal, rack/stand, drumsticks, cable and DX-Box audio host. It features one-cable USB connectivity and – since it plays through a PC – no power plug, batteries or additional speakers are needed.
- via Gizmodo
9:29:35 AM    comment [];

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