Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, April 4, 2003

One ancient example, he commented, was that of calculus, the mathematical tool discovered by Gottfried Leibniz and Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century, noting that their discovery was made freely available, triggering massive intellectual advances elsewhere.
Should we have protected their claim in the same way that we do for the owners of land?" he asked.
"Or should the law make their insights more freely available to those who would build on them, with the aim of maximising the wealth of the society as a whole? Are all property rights inalienable, or must they conform to a reality that conditions them?"

Free the mouse!
7:32:40 PM    comment [];

Beautiful and trippy QuickTime video by Rick Ojo McGrath, Culture Court contributor....
12:58:04 PM    comment [];

Includes a preview of two tracks from the "nouveaumatic" CD by Ottmar Liebert's Euphoria as well as two songs from the 1995 LAVA project, a collaboration between Eric Schermerhorn and myself.
12:50:35 PM    comment [];

Watch eagles (and bats and herons..) on view cam live ...very cool
Thanks Dave
12:33:10 PM    comment [];

Thursday morning: my neighbor is building and this morning his crew cut through my phone lines for the second time in a couple of months. Three phone lines out and no DSL. Friday morning: still no phone or internet...I might as well live on an atoll in the pacific...BTW if I had to choose between TV and DSL I would get rid of the telly..... Friday @ 9:45am....back up + running at last!!!
9:52:53 AM    comment [];

- from MacRumors
Cool for Apple to do this, but hardly radical....
9:48:50 AM    comment [];

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