Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, April 7, 2003

If you have sent me an email and have not heard back from me - it's 'cause I lost a bunch of them. My apologies. Please resend in a couple of weeks - when I shall exit this self-imposed cave...Thanks.
6:24:22 PM    comment [];

Dead air...
is what they call it on the radio. Silence, nothing happening, the void....Did you know the Greeks rejected the notion of ZERO, invented in India (not Arabia) around the fifth century, because they did not believe in the void or in infinity? The Chinese were the first to write the zero as a circle rather than the dot used in India....Anyway, I am sending my laptop to Apple on Wednesday and it might take two weeks before I get it back and I decided to take a break from email and the web and concentrate on my guitar and my garden - even a low water desert garden needs tending....two weeks without my laptop and without the net sounds pretty impossible to me right now, but I am sure it's been done before...maybe I'll keep some handwritten (!!) notes during these two weeks - which actually could stretch too almost four weeks since I am going to Italy to record some guitar on April, how frightening and exciting!!
6:07:46 PM    comment [];

Tomorrow marks the 30th anniversary of Picasso's death at age 92. Ever wondered about his family tree? This is a link to it....
5:51:20 PM    comment [];

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