Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, April 19, 2003

When I was in Art School Colani was one of my heroes. The man lived in a castle and claimed to never use a ruler or a straight line.....
8:16:15 PM    comment [];

ProTools Update: As of yesterday afternoon it's all working. I'll install the new rig in the studio on Monday. The trick appears to have been to install the HD3 cards in the Magma chassis in the reverse order they specified...
4:31:31 PM    comment [];

The relationship between objects is everything I admire. Their shape means nothing to me
- Kazuhiro Yamanaka
4:23:44 PM    comment [];

Woke up this morning + what did I C
3 inches of snow where tulips used 2 B

Aren't U glad I make instrumental music....but what about all of that snow???
7:16:58 AM    comment [];

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