Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, April 18, 2003

A signature I read today: Atheism is a non-prophet organization...
10:52:29 PM    comment [];

A few years ago people were upset that some of their favorite artists were using playback instead of singing live, everybody made fun of Milli-Vanilli's famous skipping playback CD and a law was enacted which says that the promoter has to note on the tickets if portions of the performance will use playback.....
The title of this entry takes you to a page offering several choices for pitch control. I am told that a lot of singers now refuse to work without these plug-ins. Basically the plug-in allows the producer or engineer to correct the pitch of the singer at will for a "perfect" vocal performance.....
I think a little magic box that works for live performances can't be far behind. Shouldn't the public know that they are attending such a performance? I mean, if we have a right to know whether a star's vocal performance is live, shouldn't we also have a right to know whether he/she is using external pitch control??? I personally feel that emotional singing that is not pitch-perfect is much more powerful than a pitch-perfect lame performance...or are we as a culture becoming that obsessed with glossy perfection?
8:46:24 AM    comment [];

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