Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, April 16, 2003

The mystery virus which has claimed the lives of more than 150 people worldwide is a new form of the common cold, scientists have confirmed.
2:36:21 PM    comment [];

I am told that on Tuesday Santa Fe made the list of the 50 most windy cities in America for that day......
2:34:12 PM    comment [];

The great folks at MacBeat started putting my new recording system together on Monday. Yesterday we found out that the new ProTools HD cards draw a slightly lower voltage than the older TDM cards and thus don't work with the Magma expansion chassis *unless* one installs a little $13 resistor part....but that info cannot be found in the Magma documentation!!!...order part, overnight it (FedX costs more than the part)...
The next hurdle is an error code from ProTools....nothing in the documentation explains it....a call to tech support is mercifully short: do you have 2 GB of RAM? Yes. In that case the 6.0 software does not work, but the 6.0.1 update took care of that...back to the net to download the update 6.0.1 "NeoAccess Error" when attempting to launch Pro Tools 6.0 with 2 GB RAM installed - that explains it....
But once we have configured the system it will be very sweet. Since the HD3 cards are in the Magma chassis I can either hook them up (PCI-to-PCI) to my G4 tower in the studio or (Cardbus-to-PCI) to my laptop. I can then choose to record on location and edit/mix in the studio or record in the studio and edit on the road....
2:32:43 PM    comment [];

Thanks worked for me....I opened the page twice for an interesting delay effect.....
1:48:48 PM    comment [];

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