Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, April 17, 2003

Delays + is a little trick I use when I want a nice 1/2 note delay, or maybe a 1/2 triplet delay.....60 (seconds) divided by BPM (beats per minute) times 1,000 gives you a quarter note delay in milliseconds - assuming you are using a 4/4 beat - multiply that number by two for the halfnote and divide the result by three for triplets which always sound nice ---- what can I say, people looked at me funny because I would always carry a calculator to the studio in the early eighties, but it's the best way to get the delays right!! In any case, often you don't want the delay on every phrase and instead of programming the bus going to the delay it is much easier to duplicate the track, then using the grid setting slip the duplicate back by a halfnote, a triplet or whatever sounds good and then simply deleting the phrases from the duplicate you don't want to repeat. On the remix for "2 The Night" (it will be on the Limited Edition mini CD and on the full "nouveaumatic" album release this year) I created two such delayed tracks, one panned fairly hard left and one panned pretty hard right...a delay on every phrase would have been maddening, but using this simple method it sounds great!!!!
8:49:37 PM    comment [];

Sequencing an album: do you start with the most upbeat song (Barcelona Nights on Nouveau Flamenco and Verano de Alegria on Innamorare) or do you lead in gently (Bombay on The Hours between Night + Day)...I seem to prefer the latter...
8:34:39 PM    comment [];

Listening Lounge....a new addition to our web site is being built and it looks our stage design from the opium tour it is warm, inviting and comfortable - just the place you might wanna go when you are in need of some new sounds to make your day....we'll serve up unreleased songs from the past decade, LIVE recordings, lost projects and more...for a second I was going to give you a link for a peek....but nope....
8:33:53 PM    comment [];

I love coarse seasalt without tastes totally different from mineral salt (from salt mines) with iodine's a whole new much better!!!! of course it means that one has to take iodine supplements - unless one eats garlic or seaweed in good quantities (they contain iodine naturally)...because iodine is needed by the thyroid to regulate the metabolism...but it's worth it....try it - you'll like it, as an engineer I know used to say....
7:24:04 PM    comment [];

Update on my new ProTools rig:
inching closer....slowly....maybe tomorrow? I'll post some pics and some technical details when it's working....
7:15:19 PM    comment [];

Hi Ottmar:
Im sending this to you --- but it is NOT directed AT YOU
It is a funny tool when you get idiotic email from someone and want a quick and convenient way to respond..(giggle) Particularly good if you get any stupid negative remarks about you from people. I have friends who are musisicans - wont say who - but everytime they get a "heckler" on their site, they simply respond with : "Thanks for your comments to the X Official Fan site. We appreciate your comments and input, and make every effort to write personally and respond as is appropriate to each suggestion and comment. Your response can be found at the following link: (see title)
Have a Nice Day.
(band name here)
name withheld
10:12:19 AM    comment [];

Ancient Greek theatres have been brought back to life digitally by British researchers.

--- Did they also demand lower ticket prices for obstructed view seats?
8:43:57 AM    comment [];

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