Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, April 8, 2003

It looks like the raffle is happening. At stake is the guitar I used for "Nouveau Flamenco" for $10 per ticket. Come to a concert this year and buy a ticket...all proceeds will be split evenly between the Red Cross and Amnesty International. Over and out.............................................................................
7:23:16 PM    comment [];

Special Limited Edition mini CD
I am working on the Limited Edition mini CD I want to sell at our concerts. We will have 1,000 unsigned and 1,000 signed copies available at our merchandise stand. This CD will not be sold in stores!! It will contain three songs from our next release by Ottmar Liebert's Euphoria called "nouveaumatic".
7:18:15 PM    comment [];

Going, going, going, gone......
Tomorrow morning the laptop is going back to Apple...
7:13:56 PM    comment [];

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