Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, March 3, 2003

I recently discovered some forgotten music from 1995. It is a project I started with my friend Eric Schermerhorn while he was in Santa Fe to play a guitar solo on the song Butterfly + Juniper for the Opium album.

We called the project LAVA and it was to be a meeting of Flamenco guitar + ROCK. And indeed it is crunchy on the outside with a soft filling on the inside! It is yummy! Within less than two weeks we recorded and mixed 14 songs! An explosion of creativity....Eric + I played lots of guitars, Carl Coletti played drums, Jon Gagan played bass and Mark Clark added some percussion. Well, then I went on to finish Opium, then we went on tour, then we had to mix the music for the wide-eyed + Dreaming video and by then LAVA was forgotten.....

BUT soon you will be able to discover this music, which I find very original and enjoyable, for yourself on our web site - as free downloads (mp3 + Real Audio)....Also planned for our download page: LIVE to 2 track recordings from the mixing board at concerts from 1991 through 2000.....

Watch this space for an announcement when the download page is ready for visitors.....
12:00:00 AM    comment [];

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