Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Directions for a portable ProTools HD rig which I found on the net. Looks pretty nice. Rent house in Portugal, take family and friends and instruments and record an album. Or bring the rig and edit/mix an album while on vacation. But is it a vacation if I am working? The line between work and play and rest is so blurred for me anyway...holidays are usually meaningless...for weeks nothing happens and then it has to happen all at once with no sleep or rest...I wouldn't like it any other way...
  10:42:32 PM  comment []  

In our studio I am in the process of switching from my ancient MAC 9500/200 with G3/500 upgrade to a G4/400. The G4/400 is a computer we had around the office and which we no longer need. I had heard of noise problems with the newest G4s and since there are rumors about Apple using a new IBM chip for next year I figured I'd wait a year and in the meantime the G4/400 will be a little slow, but will do the job - especially since I am not planning on doing any high definition recording (96 or 192k sampling rate). This afternoon I realized I was missing the most important piece in the puzzle - the monitor extender. I always like to have the computer a good distance away from where I am working/listening. Years ago we had a guy in Los Alamos make custom extenders and amplifiers, then Gefen started making 100ft. extensions. The link is to a Gefen solution for extending the new digital monitors further away from the mixing board and loudspeakers.
  10:29:04 PM  comment []  

To buy good expensive wines is easy...which is why my friends and I delight in finding tasty cheap wines. I buy most of the wine we drink here: They have all of the expensive and REALLY expensive stuff, too.
  9:24:11 AM  comment []  

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