Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, March 18, 2003

from the book Projects for Prada Part 1:
"Common is smooth, unique is rough.
Recorded is smooth, live is rough.
Commercial is smooth, art is rough.
Typical is smooth, invention is rough.
In this future, luxury must be rough."

Hm, I am still thinking about this one....

  9:43:32 PM  comment []  

The latest salvo against companies came last week, when the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) sent letters to about 300 companies providing evidence of specific instances of their internal networks being used to swap copyrighted songs, and warning of potential legal liability. The RIAA for months has been pressing companies to crack down on the use of file-swapping networks. - from CNET

Will the RIAA ever GET IT?

  8:11:48 PM  comment []  

I have been thinking about the downside of making samples and whole individual tracks of my music available to people for remixing or having their fun with - and I can't think of anything! It sure would be great to hear what people might create...
While I would freely give away any rhythm samples/tracks (guitar, percussion etc.), I might require that people using one of my melodies for a commercial product contact us to license the usage of the melody. I think of it as throwing some of my work into the web's simmering melting pot for digestion by all. Maybe in a few years we can release a collection of remixes done in this way...
This will probably only work with new material - at least as far as melodies are concerned - because the Publishing departments of Sony and Higher Octave won't see things the same way I do.
  4:57:57 PM  comment []  

QuickLink Mobile is a data connectivity solution that provides access to e-mail, file uploads/downloads, Web surfing and corporate Intranets without being plugged in a network or modem line connection. Mac users of the product who have a PowerBook G4 will soon be able to connect wirelessly to the Internet with a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone without the need for a tethered cable.
  3:57:28 PM  comment []  

One of my favorite albums! What a voice! First check out the sample from track #9, where Jose sings softly and gently and then the sample from track #4 where he unleashes a storm that could blow the house down. Amazing record!
  12:18:13 PM  comment []  

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