Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, March 14, 2003

The 1st leg of the 2003 *The Santa Fe Sessions* tour is now up on our web site:

This year I will tour with the new Luna Negra Quartet.
  10:09:42 PM  comment []  

I have mentioned plans for my musical future after *The Santa Fe Sessions* before...

The truth is that I have been offered a higher royalty and bigger advance from a record company, BUT I don't feel that I want to deal with a traditional record company any longer. I think the music industry currently has the wrong game plan altogether.

I don't like copy-protected CDs and I don't like digital rights management (DRM) - which besides preventing unauthorized copying can also limit how long or how often one can listen to a recording. Just because computers enable us to control EVERYTHING, doesn't mean that we should follow that temptation, which surely would lead to less and less freedom for all of us - and not just regarding music.

...And of course I am gambling that I have a large enough fan base that I can reach via touring and our web site to be able to sell enough CDs directly to make a living from my music.
  2:47:05 PM  comment []  

Natalie Merchant did not renew her major label deal last year...

  1:54:37 PM  comment []  

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