Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, March 29, 2003

Copy-protection technology on music CDs may be headed for the U.S. market in bulk this year for the first time, according to one Wall Street analyst. In a research note published Friday, J.P. Morgan analyst Sterling Auty said that Arista Records, a subsidiary of BMG Music, appeared to be moving to market with CD copy-protection technology produced by SunnComm Technologies. - from CNET via Slashdot
11:26:19 PM    comment [];

Thousands of fans are expected to flood the Dutch museum dedicated to the now-priceless work by the artist who sold only one painting in his lifetime. - from Canadian Press
11:20:19 PM    comment [];

In the spirit of open source, the DVD was released without CSS, the content scrambling system used on most commercial DVDs. J.T.S. Moore, the film's creator, said it's an experiment in going "CSS-free" -- one he fervently hopes won't blow up in his face. He hopes his film won't be pirated, and that his success will encourage other filmmakers not to use CSS.
- from Wired
8:08:33 AM    comment [];

Look ma, no lawyers and no army!

(via BoingBoing)
7:00:59 AM    comment [];

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