Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, March 21, 2003

"With talent like Michelangelo's, even graffiti becomes a priceless treasure. Restoration efforts are underway in Florence to salvage wall sketches made by the Renaissance genius in a secret hideout where he took refuge from war in 1530. "
5:41:28 PM    comment [];

Idea: raffle off the Spanish guitar I wrote and recorded most of Nouveau Flamenco with in 1989...10 bucks per ticket going to a charity. Tickets to be bought during our concerts between June and October at the merchandise stand. Winner to be picked at the end of the tour. Must call attorney to see whether there could be legal bullshit arising from this.
8:38:36 AM    comment [];

Snow on garden hose
A picture named DSCF0035.jpg
8:00:15 AM    comment [];

I took one look at the Berklee College of Music in 1979 and knew I didn't want to know THAT about music! Berklee felt like dissecting frogs and studying cadavers on the way to becoming a surgeon, when I wanted to be more of a healer...I am pretty much self-taught...I learn by doing and by thinking about doing...I thought that I would learn MORE by renting a studio and making a record than by sitting in a classroom hearing from a teacher about how to make a record - and so I applied for small bank loans and bought studio time and worked. It probably cost me less money than four years at Berklee would have!!
6:59:56 AM    comment [];

Today is Johann Sebastian Bach's birthday (1685-1750) and I have already listened to some of his music this morning. A fine choice are the two CDs Yo-Yo Ma recorded with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra called Simply Baroque and Simply Baroque 2 but I also have a few Glenn Gould recordings and Rostropovich playing Cello suites for my personal Bach festival.... Awoke to the second largest snow fall of the Winter just as Spring is officially supposed to start. Once again the apricot trees bloomed a little too early.
6:46:00 AM    comment [];

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