New Podcast

Today we sent out a podcast of just the audio portion of the Snakecharmer-Binaural video.

ListeningLounge Radio Podcast – that’s the direct link for people who use podcast software or smart browsers like Safari.
You can also find our podcast on iTunes’ by searching the podcast directory for Ottmar Liebert or simply click on one of the following links, the Podcast Directory or the Odeon Channel. It will take the Podcast Directory and the Odeon Channel a little longer to display Snakecharmer-Binaural, but it’s already available from our subscripton and from iTunes.

Friday Evening Poetry

I received a package of books today and spent the evening – after working on a new song for the next album – reading bits and pieces from Vonnegut’s A Man Without A Country, Leonard Cohen’s Book of Longing, and a collection of poems by Hafiz called The Subject Tonight is Love. I felt like a bird, eating seeds from this tree and that, or a butterfly visiting many flowers.

Jon has finished mastering Up Close: The Fritz Files, which he says is about 50 minutes long. I will pick up a CD with the music tomorrow and am looking forward to listening intently… I started work on a PDF that will accompany the album in our ListeningLounge. Here are some links you can check out in preparation for the album being released next week sometime – I hope.
Dummy Head Recording
Binaural Recording
Head-Related Transfer Function

In case you are wondering: Up Close is no longer the title for the Ottmar Liebert + Luna Negra album I have been working on for quite a while. The new album I have been working on (Spring 2008 release?) is coming along nicely, but is at present title-less. In fact the cover photo for it is so amazing that I do not want to mar it with my name or a title. The front of the CD will only show said photo, while the artist’s name and the album-title will be found on the spine and the back of the package.

The Birchmere in Alexandria

Photo by Salma. Last show of the little tour. I don’t know what I was smiling about. I felt I should have played better that last evening and was frustrated with myself. The audience was fantastic though. Thanks to all for coming to hear/see us play this past week!

Scullers, Boston

I played the first show with abandon and the band had a groove on that was undeniable. Everything felt brand-new. Some of my best playing.

Before the concert Jon told Stephen that I was born to tremolo… it is true, my three middle fingers are almost of equal length – which makes them very suited for playing a tremolo or for pick-pocketing. When I was 3 years old, an old gypsy woman told my mother that I would either become a famous guitar player or a thief. Well, I chose the tremolo and used to practice it non-stop when I was a teen. I would tremolo a dampened guitar string while reading a book or while watching TV, although that’s where my family drew the line – no tremolo while others were in the room…

The club wanted two 75 minute shows and we had prepared a special, shortened, set. Because it was so much fun to play, we played too long – each song becoming longer than usual as improvisation took over. Alan used our in-ear monitors to tell us to cut several pieces and play just one last song… We played for almost 90 minutes and had only half an hour to eat dinner before the start of the second show.