Big Cave

02024-09-14 | HuHeartDrive, Music | 6 comments

This is a piece from one guitar two, recorded during my recent retreat in the cave at the Prajna Mountain Refuge. The album was published to Backstage this week and will make its way to Bandcamp in a few months.

The piece has the working title Wednesday because that’s the day it was recorded. What would it sound like if the cave was really really huge? I used a plugin called Valhalla (perfect name, isn’t it?) to simulate a gigantic cave. The beauty of a simulated cave is that it can be turned on and turned off. What you hear is just my guitar… no other instrument was added. Some people imagine they hear synthesizers but it’s just the guitar and reverb. So now I want to give this treatment to all of the slow pieces from one guitar two, which means there will be a second volume called one guitar two – Big Cave Versions.

I hope you like it.



  1. Robin

    Love it…beautiful.

    • Kimberlie

      Ditto! Love it! Beautifully delicate, felt like a story being told when I closed my eyes and listened. Felt like Hope, the feeling of Renewal.

  2. Anne Deneen

    Utterly beautiful

  3. Beatrix Hupkens-van Til

    Thank you it’s wonderful

  4. Laura Hitt

    Love that this emerged from Prajna!


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