Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, 24 September 2003

Next-generation e-Paper technology can now display color video -- with even better brightness than conventional LCD displays! The applications of this range from wearable computing interfaces, wearable TVs, to digital newspapers and even to wearable entertainment, new computer-controlled fashion,and adaptive camoflauge.
via [Minding the Planet]

10:36:08 PM    comment [];

The recording industry has withdrawn a lawsuit against a Newbury woman because it falsely accused her of illegally sharing music -- possibly the first case of mistaken identity in the battle against Internet file-traders.
Privacy advocates said the suit against Sarah Seabury Ward, a sculptor who said she has never downloaded or digitally shared a song, revealed flaws in the Recording Industry Association of America's legal strategy. Ward was caught up in a flood of 261 lawsuits filed two weeks ago that targeted people who, through software programs like Kazaa, make copyrighted songs available for others to download over the Internet.

"When the RIAA announced they were going on this litigation crusade, we knew there was going to be someone like Sarah Ward," said Cindy Cohn, legal director for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an Internet privacy group in San Francisco that has advised Ward and others sued by the music industry. "And we think were will be more."

The lawsuit claimed that Ward had illegally shared more than 2,000 songs through Kazaa and threatened to hold her liable for up to $150,000 for each song. The plaintiffs were Sony Music, BMG, Virgin, Interscope, Atlantic, Warner Brothers, and Arista.

Among the songs she was accused of sharing: "I'm a Thug," by the rapper Trick Daddy.

But Ward, 66, is a "computer neophyte" who never installed file-sharing software, let alone downloaded hard-core rap about baggy jeans and gold teeth, according to letters sent to the recording industry's agents by her lawyer, Jeffrey Beeler.

Here it comes....wait for it.....wait for it....wait for it.....wait for it.....wait for it....wait for it......

Moreover, Ward uses a Macintosh computer at home. Kazaa runs only on Windows-based personal computers. via [Slashdot]
Ah, that's witness the RIAA and their brilliant lawyers at work! I feel safer now!!
10:15:26 PM    comment [];

Bruce Sterling has produced a piece of cranky and eerily beautiful Flash interactive art called "Embrace the Decay." Like Bruce, it is contrarian, challenging, gnomic, and thought-provoking.
via [BoingBoing]

5:44:37 PM    comment [];

Stage from 95 feet up
A picture named 95ft-high.jpg
Canton's photo...yes, he climbed up there himself....
5:36:06 PM    comment [];

Drawing 33
A picture named 33.jpg
3:33:56 PM    comment [];

Teens and forty-something adults are finding dumping a mate through instant meesage to be the popular method of choice. The reason for this?
"People are cowardly," said University of Washington sociologist Pepper Schwartz. "It has a lot of utility, not necessarily civility."
Anybody who dumps you via Instant Messenger isn't worth your time anyway...
3:03:02 PM    comment [];

Distortion 99
A picture named Distortion99.jpg
1:51:39 PM    comment [];

Not technically a gadget, but the New York Times has an article about the Tzero, an electric sports car powered by 6,800 lithium ion laptop batteries that costs $220,000 and can go from zero to 60 mph in 3.7 seconds. [Gizmodo]

1:21:25 PM    comment [];

The European Parliament voted in favor of a law that goes some way toward limiting the scope for patents on software programs Wednesday. The issue still must be debated by European Union (EU) member states before a new law is passed, however. With 364 voting in favor, 153 against and 33 abstentions, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) appear to have ignored heavy lobbying from both extremes in the debate by opting for a compromise solution. [MacCentral]
As Alan Greenspan pointed out a few months ago, if Isaac Newton had patented his ideas the amazing discoveries they seeded wouldn't have happened...
1:16:22 PM    comment [];

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