Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, 18 September 2003

See, what we have to deal with......
The other day we sent a runner to buy us a coffee grinder for one the busses. Let me back up for a moment and explain that a runner is an individual hired by the local promoter to run around and get us stuff we need, preferbly somebody with a safe car and a working knowledge of the surrounding area. First order of the day is usually taking the two busdrivers to their hotel rooms so they can get their sleep - after all our lives are in their hands!! Anyway, this morning I asked Jon Gagan why we had a Procter Silex Hand Blender on our bus...and Jon answered, that's what the runner brought back when we sent him out to get a coffee grinder...and since it was only some 3 bucks it was cheaper to keep than to deal with returning it...Maybe we can make Margaritas with the hand blender?
4:09:48 PM    comment [];

I went to the Tucson concert last night and purchased the new Nouveaumatic CD and the young man charged me $18 - I told him the website said it was $14 but he said he knew nothing about a $14 price..I paid the $18.. great show. - Ken

Ken, We have to give between 20 and 30% of the merchandise income to the venue or promoter every night..... As a result we have to raise our prices somewhat at concerts. Peanuts at a ballpark are what, about 5 bucks? Same thing. I don't like it either, but there are larger battles to be fought.... I hope you understand..... - ottmar
3:50:37 PM    comment [];

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