Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, 12 September 2003

- how great it feels to have my first album released today?!? There is a hidden reason for the title nouveaumatic, because as the album Nouveau Flamenco was the beginning of my career this is the beginning of my independence!
10:19:53 PM    comment [];

Finally got rid of the horrible Asco dishwasher and had a new Miele installed. I have to really, really listen to hear this machine work....can't believe how quiet it is! Just to look at the engineering and design that went into this dishwasher is very impressive! Apple's Steve Jobs was asked in an interview with Wired Magazine a few years ago what the most interesting new gadget was. He answered, the Miele washing machine. At the time Miele didn't have a any dealerships in the U.S. and I seem to remember that Jobs imported a machine from Germany himself beause he was so impressed with its engineering and quality. I can't believe how quiet this thing is! Maybe it is not really running?
9:46:42 PM    comment [];

I gotta admit, I love this kind of stuff. Recently, I added an accelerator to my Cube and it's blazing fast. I opted not to cut a hole in the case though, as some other owners have done.

[iceplant radio]

Check it out. It's a Harley'puter....
9:23:29 PM    comment [];

The bits and pieces that Joseph Cornell assembled in his shadow-boxes wouldn’t have seemed nearly as interesting if he’d simply left them arrayed on the bench of some picnic-table –- and they certainly wouldn’t still be there.

I crave the sweet and crazy-making difficulties that can only be imposed by the box, the Cornellian stage, the frame, of a formal narrative.

So I’m out of here, as of this installment, and wish to thank everyone who in any way furthered my ‘tween-books holiday. It’s been ludic, as the anarchist says.

Perhaps I’ll be back, one day, somewhere on the far side of whatever it is I’m about to start writing.
[Gibson Blog]
9:19:00 PM    comment []; is trying to back out of its lawsuit against antispam organizations, but the defendants won't let it drop. They want to recoup legal costs and send spammers a message. By Brian McWilliams. [Wired News]

8:24:30 PM    comment [];

Check out this fun little java app -- SignMaker! You pick the size of the size, the number of lanes, and any other elements you want ... then it generates it against a lovely blue sky. The app was written by the husband-wife team at, who refer to themselves as "roadgeeks". [collision detection]

8:24:07 PM    comment [];

The new album, and the first one to be available only at concerts or from our web site, has been officially released today. The first trilogy is now complete:

1. In the Arms of Love: Lullabies 4 Children + Adults was released last year and is an OL solo recording - blue field at the top of the cover and blue CD.

2. The Santa Fe Sessions was released early this Summer and is a Nouveau Flamenco recording with the Luna Negra band - red field at the top of the cover and red CD.

3. nouveaumatic is a Ottmar Liebert's Euphoria release of remixes that reflect upon the preceding two albums - as the original Euphoria CD in 1995 reworked songs from The Hours between Night + Day. This new album has a grey field at the top and a grey CD.

Eventually we will make this color-coding more clear on our ordering pages, but things are a little hectic around here because we are leaving for over six weeks on Sunday morning. Boy, do I hate packing! Anyway, nouveaumatic contains 3 remixes of songs from In the Arms of Love and 7 remixes of songs from The Santa Fe Sessions. A lullaby really changes a lot in character when you add a groovy drum beat!!! Onwards toward the second trilogy!
8:21:35 PM    comment [];

I had not listened to our t-one CD in quite a while and put in on this afternoon - after our rehearsal for the upcoming tour, which went quite well..... Anyway at the end of the third segment (see above link) I laughed so hard. Right after the Tibetan monk ends his talk with the word happiness you can hear a friend of mine's tiny French Bullterrier Pepe snarl and growl!!! What does it mean and why did we put that sound there 7 years ago? I don't know, but I think it is very funny.....
7:33:26 PM    comment [];

An experiment in sharing the knowledge of a leading technology institute online for free has been a global hit. The site by Massachusetts Institute of Technology offering its courses online has had more than 100 million hits since its launch a year ago. At the start, there were just 50 undergraduate courses available. By the end of this month, MIT plans to have 500 online, with the remaining coming on stream over the next few years. [BBC | TECH]
How cool is that!!! Free knowledge.....
6:12:22 PM    comment [];

A gadget that is a cross between a telephone and a flotation tank aims to help you focus on phone calls. [BBC | TECH]
Don't use this while you are driving!!
4:37:45 PM    comment [];

Distortion 06
A picture named 6.jpg
4:34:41 PM    comment [];

Drawing 57
A picture named 57.jpg
4:31:24 PM    comment [];

Nice Reverb in here...
A picture named OLbathroom.jpg
4:27:20 PM    comment [];

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