Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, 7 September 2003

Mister Dre writes "Apparently, the RIAA is planning to offer amnesty to file sharers who promise to delete copyrighted material from their computers. To take ... [Slashdot]

10:57:10 PM    comment [];

Great article in Newsweek on autism. Four out of five kids with autism are boys. They call it an extreme version of normal male intelligence. Empathizing intelligence is the yin to systemizing intelligence's yang. Without one the other is lost. The DaVinci Code, balancing our Yin and Yang, the female and male energies...Radio ranter Michael Savage says calls this country a "feminized America", but I disagree and feel that these are masculine times indeed. In the end the truth is that only two halfs put together make a whole.
10:56:44 PM    comment [];

Distortion 01
A picture named 1.jpg
8:40:28 PM    comment [];

Photos from the making of Shochu, a Japanese spirit somewhere between Sake and Vodka (around 40-60% alcolhol). That reminds me.....
In 1991 we used the opportunity of me being in Tokyo for Yamamoto by adding a handful of interviews, a few meetings and a solo guitar performance for a Japanese TV show. The TV show was funny because the director really wanted me to perform for 3 minutes and 20 seconds and then again for 2 minutes and 50 seconds. Can you do that? Sure, I said and placed my wristwatch on the floor next to my foot. Since I do a fair amount of improvising anyway I was able to extend each piece to the right length. The director was ecstatic, because I ended each performance within seconds of the given time frame.....I also remember being taken to a very traditional Kyoto style restaurant in Tokyo one evening and drinking cold sake, something that I had never enjoyed before. This Sake is different my host told me, it has no preservatives and spoils within a few days, which is why Japan never exports it. And it was indeed wonderful, one of the best drinks I have ever had....Must try Shochu....
8:13:30 PM    comment [];

Drawing 42
A picture named 42.jpg
7:48:26 PM    comment [];

How frustrating these format wars laptop burns in the DVD-R format, but the DVD player I am using with my TV is a Philips, which uses the DVD+R format. The home movie I edited this past week plays fine on my computer, but in the Philips it keeps!
2:30:03 PM    comment [];

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