Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, 21 September 2003

Drawing 54
A picture named 54.jpg
4:59:59 PM    comment [];

I play classical guitar and really enjoy working on some of the songs that you've written but my Hirade isn't really suited for playing your stuff. I'll be glad to buy a flamenco, but I don't know much about them and don't really know what I'm buying. Sellling price and name brand don't always mean a good fit. Got any recommendations on a good brand or from a good luthier (other than Burguet, of course) that I won't need a mortgage on? Thanks, Jon K. • 9/21/03; 1:17:27 PM
But Jon, mortgage rates are favorable right now...Well, I agree that guitars can be terribly expensive, but relative to what a flutist or bassist (upright) has to spend we are pretty lucky. I don't have much experience with big guitar factories and therefore cannot recommend any brand to you. I can tell you that Eric Sahlin, Lester DeVoe and Keith Vizcarra have all built very nice guitars for me in the past and the title link will take you to a page on our web site that shows you how to contact them.
4:54:52 PM    comment [];

San Diego - the first week of tour
Yes, it was a very long drive from Phoenix to Santa Cruz, but my mood was considerably improved by a Mojito and dinner at the Costa Brava restaurant near Border's, not far from the Catalyst....After dinner I bought the paperback edition of Dan Brown's Angels&Demons. It would have been nice to have had a little more time as I always enjoy SC, but alas we had to head to Southern Cal to perform at the Canyon Club. From SoCal we drove back up to Healdsburg where the Rodney Strong winery poses its own difficulties...there is almost no shade and the audience bakes in the sun. Add to that a liberal amount of alcohol and wait for the one woman who got very mad at Ron because I did not thank the audience for coming, another who stormed the stage to get my attention and a third who lifted her dress over her head to adjust her underwear, flashing my crew in the process - before getting into her silver Mercedes convertible...I doubt any of them will remember anything today....Hm, I think that any cop waiting near the winery could have single-handedly erased the Californian budget deficit....After the show we felt a little strange as it wasn't even dark yet, but we had a good distance to run and set off for San Diego. Early load-in and then some pool-time because soundcheck at Humphrey's is late at 4pm. Right after the show we will start a long run towards El Paso, Texas....
11:57:50 AM    comment [];

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