Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, 6 September 2003

deglr6328 writes "On the 21st of this month the Galileo Space Probe, which has been orbiting Jupiter for nearly eight years, will plummet fatefully into the crushing pressures and searing heat of that planet's interior. The spacecraft's 14 year journey has brought the discovery of, among other things, the first moon orbiting an asteroid, the first remote detection of life on earth when Carl Sagan used data from an onboard infrared spectrometer to observe the spectral signature of Oxygen in our atmosphere, it has caught snowflakes of Sulfur Dioxide as it flew through the plume of an erupting volcano on Io, snapped pictures of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 as it smashed into Jupiter's atmosphere and most importantly, provided proof a >60 Km deep ocean on Europa with hints of oceans on Callisto and Ganymede(listen to Ganymede's eerie sounding plasma wind). And all this with scarcely more computing power than a late '70s video game and a maximum data transfer rate of ~120 bits/s over a distance of more than 600 million Km. In a mission spanning three decades, the Galileo space probe has answered many of humanity's questions about space and presented us with the knowledge to ask many more which will be answered by the next generation of Jovian explorer. Goodnight Galileo." [Slashdot]

10:14:34 PM    comment [];

This text-to-juvenile-AOLspeak translator will translate anything into the sort of language your 13-year-old niece might use on IM.
If Multi Babel doesn't disfigure your words enough you might add this into the mix!
10:07:37 PM    comment [];

Google-Watch watches Google.

Google-Watch-Watch watches Google-Watch.

Someone has registered Google-Watch-Watch-Watch, but there's nothing there as yet. [Backup Brain]

That is also funny! Is it Funny Saturday or something and nobody told me?
9:48:50 PM    comment [];

Or just a guy doing some really strange things to marshmallow bunnies?... [collision detection]
Just somebody with waaaay too much time on their hands!!
9:46:03 PM    comment [];

Wim Wenders' official 4h45m version of Until the End of the World will be released on DVD next spring. [ about making films]
I saw this movie in Cologne, Germany on a visit some 11 years ago. The theatrical release in Germany was already three hours long. The theater stopped the movie after about two hours and offered coffee and other refreshments. We walked around to get the blood going and stretched and then watched the last hour much more alert. I felt that this way of watching a long movie was so much better. During the break conversations regarding the movie were struck up by became one reason why I like having an intermission in our show.
9:24:27 PM    comment [];

If you are bored you might click on the above link and check out your personal Rune, throw an I Ching or check out celebrity readings.....or like William Gibson you might prefer Multi Babel....
via [Gibson Blog]
9:12:49 PM    comment [];

Tonight's Sunset
A picture named Sunset06Sep03.jpg
8:04:50 PM    comment [];

Drawing 20
A picture named 20.jpg
11:37:41 AM    comment [];

Distortion 07
A picture named 7.jpg
11:36:13 AM    comment [];

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