Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, 3 September 2003

Noise 03
A picture named Noise3.jpg
9:01:47 PM    comment [];

"You know what? There's just something inescapably bland about Hummer's slogan: 'Like Nothing Else.' It doesn't really capture the macho essence of the company's singular vehicles. If you ask me, they'd have been better to go with something more to the point like, 'See, You *Can* Be More of an Asshole.'"
-Scott Feschuk, NATIONAL POST, September 2, 2003
[Gibson Blog]
But, saying excuse me, that'll be 50 trees please is so much nicer!
8:57:40 PM    comment [];

re: Domain Name disputes. [Lessig Blog]
Very funny!
8:51:53 PM    comment [];

e l e v a t o r m o o d s (Flash) [via Popdex] []

8:30:13 PM    comment [];

The Librarian Action Figure - "with amazing push-button Shushing Action!" [via More Like This WebLog] []
Ah, a world where poets and philosophers have action figures - and not illiterate basketball players.
8:26:11 PM    comment [];

Giving E-mail back to the users: Using digital signatures to solve the spam problem. "This paper argues that current legislative and private attempts to stop spam are either ineffective, or involve unacceptable tradeoffs. The key to solving the spam problem is recognizing the importance of e-mail authentication and the granting of permissions. Properly used, digital signatures can easily authenticate e-mail for effective spam control." [via beSpacific] []

8:19:52 PM    comment [];

A picture named 06.jpg
9:44:45 AM    comment [];

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