Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, 5 September 2003

DVDs and home videos
DVD technology is not yet ready for me. I edited video footage from a 7 week stay in Tuscany a few years back down to about an hour and it took about 2 1/2 hours to burn the DVD! 2.5 hours of don't touch this computer - it is busy making a DVD......That's rediculous!!!
From this little exercise I also learned that I really don't like making movies...I prefer photos. Mind you I always have fun with the soundtrack, but there is something about moving pictures on the amateur level...if you zoom in on something it is not steady enough, the automatic focus shifts around unless you use the camera in manual...and the damn cameras are still too look like the damn tourist you are when you wield a video cam...
What do I want? I want a video camera without tape, maybe using a compact flash card...about the size of the Canon S400 photo camera...
...and I suspect in the end I will still prefer to make still images.
10:24:00 PM    comment [];

"After Apple introduced its innovative PowerBook G4 with a 17-inch screen earlier this year, it was only a matter of time before other PC makers got hold of wide-screen panels," writes Bill Howard in PC Magazine... [MacMinute]
I would have never bought the 17" G4 if I wasn't using it for music. I find 7 pounds too heavy....can't imagine carrying 11 pounds around...I am secretly in love with the smaller 12" PowerBook.
9:59:34 PM    comment [];

Brian Eno recordings and stuff available online.....
9:53:00 PM    comment [];

A picture named kavalier.gifLoriot. But he still is one of the best, isn't he? [The Cartoonist]

Ah, that's great! We grew up with Loriot and my brother still quotes him now and then....
9:50:50 PM    comment [];

Sacramento ballpark will offer Wi-Fi for fans. [Wired News]

9:41:00 PM    comment [];

China was too quick in lifting its ban on the sale of market animals, say researchers. They say they've established a clear SARS link between these animals and the human population. By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]

9:39:46 PM    comment [];

I don't think I have mentioned that we received nouveaumatic CDs yesterday. They look great and I love the digi-pak packaging. The albums will go on sale from our web site very soon...Only $14 per CD, which includes First Class shipping within the USA...
9:38:27 PM    comment [];

Before 13 years of Flamenco it is characteristic Ottmar Liebert's, raddoppiantesi of platinum, that sells of the leggendario the beginning. This admission, of that one groundbreaking is, album a greatest of the bandage of the Guitarre of that time integral, redefined simply, Flamenco music of during the new complete amiable music of the cause the modern one of the age nevertheless no, Renaissance of étincelé of the music of the world of years ' 90. During the years of Liebert it has inside, this around got to be compelling for the instrument the more popular external part of music_s and interpretatore of the phase the world. The new launching of which trilogy of Liebert's nouveaumatic and is obtained first, this one observes for the relative the one same-perforation of new paper of the SSRI file and is approved of. When his predecessore of Euphoria will be 1995, the versions nouveaumatic, that are constituted of diverse DJs and remixers, Liebert understood equal they of the accumulation. When the songs of Euphoria of the album to at night improve the 1993 hours between the day, this new launching will count the new versions to precede of the songs of Liebert's of two CDs, where the arms of the love and the FAITH to learn section he are spendthrifts.
9:18:50 PM    comment [];

Bruce Sterling just showed this to me:

Some days, I'm awfully easily amused.
[Gibson Blog]

9:13:33 PM    comment [];

Check this out: A site that automatically generates a gallery of 104 pictures chosen randomly from Altavista. It's programmed by the fine folks behind, and my friend El Rey found it for me. Here's the thing: Since the images are randomly selected, they're an interesting way to divine the nature of online pictorial content. What do people post? Plenty of really horrible shots of family vacations, obscure inventions, and corporate infographics, for sure. But El Rey had his own observation: "Judging by what I've seen," he wrote, "the Internet is about 5 to 10 per cent poorly-lit porn." Which is, you know, rather less porn than I'd expected. Remember the famous 1995 Carnegie-Mellon study that claimed to have studied newsgroup images and determined that 85% of them were pornographic? Wired issued an immediate smackdown of the study, but I'd still have expected that there would be a colossal amount... [collision detection]
5-10 percent is certainly less than I would have guessed judging by the amount of spam I receive.....
9:03:44 PM    comment [];

Does anyone click on The Rainforest site? Every click funds the preservation of 11.4 square feet of endangered rainforest. Would you believe last year visitors to The Rainforest Site preserved 246,852,687 square feet of land! I try to remember to click every day. - Nancy • 9/5/03; 4:44:35 PM
And right you are, Nancy. Just click on the above title and then on the click here field or click here.... - I did....
8:40:36 PM    comment [];

Noise 24
A picture named Noise24.jpg
12:43:15 PM    comment [];

Yookando Kamera Exhibit

12:35:25 PM    comment [];

An interdisciplinary group of German engineers and scholars have designed a beautiful, radical new bicycle. The site's got tons of mind-candy, including wicket cut-aways of the drive-train, which reminds me of the pictures of nanoscale engines I've seen. [BoingBoing]
12:34:56 PM    comment [];

Drawing 07
A picture named 07.jpg
12:33:50 PM    comment [];

I think most of us believe the rain forest needs to be protected. We also realize that most countries have already destroyed most of their forests in the name of progress. Now it is Brazil's turn. But, here is my solution: Every country should pay Brazil a Rain Forest Protection Tax in return for not touching the rain forest which originates most of our medicine.
12:30:50 PM    comment [];

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