Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, 20 September 2003

We have had some great musical moments this past week. Jon and I trade some nice melodies in Duende del Amor and Ron takes an incredible tabla solo in same song. Snakecharmer proably has my favorite ancient - modern moment when Ron and Canton take over after the third verse. Ron plays the archaic Berimbau, which the crew has re-christened Beerbong, and Canton drops different beats underneath...Sao Paulo has become a favorite song as well...
9:59:55 PM    comment [];

19 September: Agoura Hills CA
There used to be a nice little coffee shop across the street from the Canyon Theater. It is not there anymore. I visited the Oak in the parking lot and when I went back to the other side I found that the Canyon Theater now has a coffee shop (maybe the reason for the demise of the other cafe?)...and ordered coffee. On the counter I noticed a bunch of CDs for sale. Closer inspection revealed a couple of dozen of my CDs. How much are they I asked and ten bucks was the answer. Now that could be very cool - if they had bought the CDs at wholesale, which is between $8 and $9, and sold them for $10. But, they had requested and received free promotional CDs from both Epic Records and Higher Octave Music and had the nerve to sell them for a $10 profit. Most promotional CDs have a legal disclaimer that announces that the promo CD remains the property of the record company and is in fact only loaned to the person who receives a free promo copy and that disclaimer was plain to see on these CDs....
4:06:37 PM    comment [];

Honda Insight
I was planning on calling Honda dealers in Phoenix to see whether I could test-drive a Honda Insight, but then I received a message that somebody at Honda California would have an Insight for me to drive in Agoura Hills on Friday. When we got to California I heard that not many people are interested in a Honda Insight and that most dealers had gotten rid of their test-drive Insights altogether. Now, I hear that I can get an Insight delivered to Santa Fe at "good price" whatever that be continued...
4:04:36 PM    comment [];

Drawing 32
A picture named 32.jpg
4:00:51 PM    comment [];

Distortion 08
A picture named 8.jpg
3:16:11 PM    comment [];

September 14th Albuquerque NM
A wonderful and balmy night and a great audience, almost 3,000 people.... No taxes on anything as Sandia is a sovereign Native American Nation and does not believe in taxes. Well, you don't have to believe in taxes if you operate a casino because you are taking in more $$$ than you can prossibly spend on roads and education and other civic expenses......Before the show I met the nation's governor who had a very nice vibe, in fact all of the tribal members seemed very cool.

The 15th was our day off and at one point I decided to take a walk. We were staying at the Marriott Pyramid, almost directly across from the Sandia Casino. I walked on the street, I walked through weeds...and found out that basically Albuquerque is not meant for walking...
3:13:08 PM    comment [];

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