Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, 10 September 2003

In fact, it tracks every download and sells the data to the music industry. How one company is turning file-sharing networks into the world's biggest focus group. By Jeff Howe from Wired magazine.
According to on-the-record statements by many major labels, the scene I witnessed in Fleischer's office couldn't possibly have happened. But Eric Garland, CEO of BigChampagne, says his firm is working with Maverick, Atlantic, Warner Bros., Interscope, DreamWorks, Elektra, and Disney's Hollywood label. The labels are reticent to admit their relationship with BigChampagne for public relations reasons, but there's a legal rationale, too. The record industry's lawsuits against file-sharing companies hang on their assertion that the programs have no use other than to help infringe copyrights. If the labels acknowledge a legitimate use for P2P programs, it would undercut their case as well as their zero-tolerance stance. "We would definitely consider gleaning marketing wisdom from these networks a non-infringing use," says Fred von Lohmann, staff counsel for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the San Francisco-based cyber liberties group that's helping to defend Morpheus, Grokster, and Kazaa.
[Wired News]

9:45:55 PM    comment [];

London's worst blackout in 10 years was caused by the improper installation of a one amp fuse.
National Grid's chief executive, Roger Urwin, described the incident as a "one off" caused by a single faulty installation that remained undetected until August 28, when it provoked London's worst power failure in 10 years...

The automatic protection equipment, a shoebox-sized device that acts like a normal domestic fuse, was activated because it was the wrong amp size. Two years ago, engineers had mistakenly installed a one-amp version instead of a five-amp version. When the power surged, the fuse - because it was oversensitive - shut down the system when a correct fuse would not have done.


9:39:29 PM    comment [];

Distortion 09
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9:37:22 PM    comment []; is trying to back out of its lawsuit against antispam organizations, but the defendants won't let it drop. They want to recoup legal costs and send spammers a message. By Brian McWilliams. [Wired News]

9:32:15 PM    comment [];

JoeJob writes "A couple of victories in the legal war against spammers. First, a Washington resident has been awarded a $250,000 decision against a spammer ... [Slashdot]

9:26:33 PM    comment [];

The Recording Industry Association of America Inc. (RIAA) has settled the first of the 261 lawsuits it filed on Monday against music enthusiasts who, the association alleges, have uploaded more than 1,000 files using online music-sharing services such as Kazaa and Grokster. [MacCentral]
The RIAA leg breakers at work!

And yet in Thailand you can buy any pirated CD or DVD you want...years ago a friend of mine found a Starwars DVD in Bangkok weeks before the movie was even in theaters in America. You can buy a CD that contains mp3 files for three of my albums and of course all of my CDs as well....But instead of going after pirates they go after 12 year old file sharers!!!
9:14:26 PM    comment [];

Drawing 18
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8:42:38 PM    comment [];

t-one... what does it mean? A code for some Pythagorean touch-tone? Or a simple designation for a series of trance recordings... listen, allow the enigma to draw you in... falling water, people in a railway station, traffic on a wet road, the murmuring of an eastern guru... guitar and synth loops... an unanswered phone... a motor scooter... the subtle electronic swells underpin the random noise of contemporary urban life.
Culture Court is hosting 4 excerpts from an ambient album we recorded in 1996, a project we called t-one....(one as in singular or universe, tone as in sound and T1 as in digital phone line)
2:20:34 PM    comment [];

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