
Last night I’m watching a new docu on JJ Cale called To Tulsa and Back: On Tour with J.J. Cale, and there he is in Boulder Colorado standing below the marquee of the Boulder Theatre (I think) which says (naturally) tonight “JJ Cale” and below that, Feb 6 (I think) “Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra”…


Regarding this comment:

Are you coming back to Humphrey’s in San Diego? How ’bout Wine Country in Temecula?

When a show has been confirmed (I am usually the last to find out…) you will find it here and here and here. Most likely I will mention the show(s) in this diary as well. You can also sign up for the newsletter, which I send out from time to time.

Regarding this comment:

Do you ever think that you may have a section or tab for musicians sound eng. Your sound that you have been able to capture time and time again are truly the best sounding guitar out ther. Weather classical, flamenco, new age, acoustic, etc. the sound of the guitar that you are able to cature and record are just magical. I wounder if you would ever share the process or maybe make a DVD of the process. Some tips tricks etc on the Leibert sound.

Have you considered using a spell checker?

How do I get my guitar sound? Is it a secret ingredient? A piece of gear perhaps? Is the microphone customized? Could it be the mic-pre-amp? What about the wiring? The acoustics of my studio? Is it the guitar? Is my guitar somehow different from other Lester DeVoe guitars? Do I get custom strings from D’Addario?

Well, I’ll tell you the truth, but you may be disappointed. It’s not the gear, it’s not the guitar… in fact it is nothing you can buy. It is years of practice and developing a personal sound. It’s intimacy with the instrument, which can only come from playing – I figure I have spent at least 15,000 to 25,000 hours of my life playing guitar, and probably more. Every person has different hands, different fingers, different nails, different angles at which those fingers and nails strike the string. It takes time finding the perfect angle, a lot of time. It’s easy to produce a sound, very hard to produce the sound, which is also your sound.

How can one explain that or teach that? Impossible! You could copy my technique, but since your own hands will be different this will only give you a starting point for your own investigation.

Guitar One: One Guitar

From the March issue of Guitar World/Guitar One magazine:

…he’s taken his flamenco/world-music hybrid to a new, more introspective level here, with beautifully haunting six-string explorations that are, impressively, mostly improvised. And the Lieb doesn’t just show off his chops, which include walking intricate bass lines over tremolo picking, or ripping out blazing Spanish Phrygian scales. He’s got passion to go with the speed—and that’s what counts, dammit.
MOMENT OF TRUTH: “Night Traveling Raindrops: Nachtreisende Regentropfen” (1:30–2:52) Liebert’s phrasing gives space and evocativeness to the airy single-note melodies before he unleashes a cyclone of countermelodies and arpeggios.


You can find the album here and here and here and here and here.


One Guitar CD Cover
My new CD of solo guitar music One Guitar, is now available from our online store. The album can also be purchased and downloaded from the ListeningLounge.

If you should come to Santa Fe, you can purchase the One Guitar CD from the Ruben Romero World Music Gallery on the historic plaza at 66 East San Francisco Street. Ruben also has outlets at the Jackalope stores in Santa Fe and Bernalillo and a new gallery in Taos.

In addition to that we opened a vendor account at Amazon and expect the CD to become available from them and some affiliated stores within a few weeks.

My thanks to Ritch Fuhrer, who took the cover photo at the Triple Door in Seattle during one of my solo performances there in April. I don’t think it’s a very flattering photo, but I think it does capture that moment of being lost in the music.

Music that is haunting in its beauty and depth. Highly recommended!Ken Wilber

Ottmar Liebert’s new CD of solo acoustic guitar – the ghosts of Spanish flamenco within the dreamscapes of the New World. One Guitar: 13 tracks of contemplation, meditation, exhalation, levitation… and exquisite solitude.CultureCourt.com

Release Date: 29 August 2006 – if you read this Diary regularly you might have guessed it: 2+9+8+2+6=27=9

One Guitar

The One Guitar CDs will ship from the manufacturer today and should arrive in Santa Fe by the end of this week. Official release date will be 29. August 2006.