Sunday in Temecula

Sunday morning in Temecula:
Because YOU deserve it
Sondcheck in Temecula:

Last night was a blast. Stephen said afterwards that it was his favorite show with us. We do always look forward to playing at the Mountain Winery. Why? It’s a combination of things, the location is beautiful, the audience responds, the catering is great…
Here is a pic I took in the afternoon:
Mountain Winery

One of many photos Stevo took yesterday. Click on above photo to link to his Flickr pages.
Link to Stevo’s blog for his take on the day.

Link to Ochazuke’s slideshow on Flickr. She took photos during the performance.


borya’s slideshow on Flickr
Boris has a slideshow on Flickr that contains scans of Marita: Shadows and Storms, the CD I made with Frank Howell in the Summer of 1989. It went on to become Nouveau Flamenco. The slideshow also contains photos by Ashkan Sahihi for the Sunday magazine of the German newspaper Die Zeit, taken around Santa Fe in 1995.

Here is more of the story: when the paper decided to do a story on me they sent a journalist, who visited Santa Fe, my studio and my home while I was working on Opium. The art director of Die Zeit suggested Ashkan for the photography and we had a great time driving around Santa Fe for shots. Ashkan would later return to take the photos for the Opium album cover.


If you sent me email in the last three weeks, it might be lost in space – depending on the address you sent it to… It is working now, however.

meta-bio: the Messenger

Culture Court Ottmar Liebert meta-bio: the Messenger
Lawrence Russell calls it a meta-bio. Much of it is true, some of it he made up – and I encouraged him to do that. Which parts of the meta-bio are factual? Take your pick. Does it matter? I always think the music is what matters, but if you want a story to accompany the music, this is as good a story as I have read. But then, I am a fan of Lawrence’s writing.