Solo Shows in May

May Touring Schedule
May 21   Milan, Italy   –   Blue Note 
May 22   Milan, Italy   –   Blue Note 
May 23   Milan, Italy   –   Blue Note 
May 24   Milan, Italy   –   Blue Note 

It’s Saturday Night…

…I guess that makes it alright.
Gave a friend the login to download some early and very unfinished mixes for the new album…

Superb sound… the spacial depth, the mix, the way it all sits. I’m still listening, although my sense is you’ve hit a new plateau, amigo. This could be major.

More later… and good luck tomorrow night!

Ah, almost forgot… the Grammys are tomorrow. I am cooking dinner for friends in the evening and do not have a TV anyway. I will find out about it on Monday morning.

Two Birthdays

Shadow on Adobe Wall
I walked to Ohori’s for coffee this morning and took the above pic on the way home.

Thanks for the birthday greetings! I have two birthdays in less than a week. Yesterday I turned 49 according to western counting, meaning I completed 49 years since my birth, and if it takes 7 years to regenerate every cell in a body I have now completed 7 such cycles.

According to the Chinese calendar my 50th birthday will occur on February 7th. I was born during the last few days of the year of the dog and all dogs from that year, the 1958-Brown-Earth-Dog-year, which lasted from February 4, 1958 until February 4th, 1959, celebrate their 50th birthday on the Chinese New Year Day, which falls on the 7th.

I wish us all a year of health, usefulness and happiness. No, wait, happiness is a choice… come to think of it, so is usefulness… well, I wish us health in hopes that in time we figure out how to be happy and useful! :)

Concluding the 49th Year

tsuki hana ya shijū ku nen no muda hokō

Under moon and flowers,
Forty-nine years
of fruitless wandering.

– Issa

yo wo tabi ni shiro kaku oda no yukimodori

Journeying through the world,
To and fro, to and fro,
Harrowing the small field.

– Bashō

Thanks Y.

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Living Treasures

I will give a solo performance at the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe on Sunday, February 17th, at 7PM. It’s a fundraising event for Santa Fe Living Treasures.

Link to Santa Fe Living Treasures web site.

From the web site:

The Santa Fe Living Treasures, an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization, publicly honors elders who have generously served our community with kind hearts and good deeds. Their oral histories and photographs are recorded, archived, and made available to the public at the Fray Angélico Chávez History Library, Santa Fe, NM.