Two Birthdays

02008-02-02 | Ottmar, Photos, Santa Fe | 13 comments

Shadow on Adobe Wall
I walked to Ohori’s for coffee this morning and took the above pic on the way home.

Thanks for the birthday greetings! I have two birthdays in less than a week. Yesterday I turned 49 according to western counting, meaning I completed 49 years since my birth, and if it takes 7 years to regenerate every cell in a body I have now completed 7 such cycles.

According to the Chinese calendar my 50th birthday will occur on February 7th. I was born during the last few days of the year of the dog and all dogs from that year, the 1958-Brown-Earth-Dog-year, which lasted from February 4, 1958 until February 4th, 1959, celebrate their 50th birthday on the Chinese New Year Day, which falls on the 7th.

I wish us all a year of health, usefulness and happiness. No, wait, happiness is a choice… come to think of it, so is usefulness… well, I wish us health in hopes that in time we figure out how to be happy and useful! :)


  1. Carol

    So I’m just a little past my 10th cycle. some nice new cells, Some more have been added, a few taken away, and a lot of those recent regenerated ones have rearranged quite about. Tired of being in the same place I guess. That’s interesting.

  2. Flavio

    Dear Ottmar!

    Happy birthday – for yesterday and for Feb 7th :-)

    and thanks for wishing us health – although I believe that this too, under many aspects, is a choice. . .as it may be affected by our life styles, state of mind, and spiritual well-being.



  3. Panj

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!, Ottmar..and danke sehr for the Health Blessings! OOO and from a fellow Dog…WOOOF!…:-)

  4. Heather

    Happy belated birthday and from a Rooster to a dog: happy Chinese birthday (although it appears you get cheated of a year!)

    Yes, usefulness and happiness are choices. May your good health continue.

  5. Anelafoo

    Santa Fe morning
    blue irises open
    sound of One Guitar

    Happy Birthday and soon to be half a century, still too young to have a birthday in China.

  6. Carol

    I’m a dog too. best friends…

  7. Mike

    Please come and play in Seattle. Let us know when you get here, so we can come see you. Mike

  8. victor

    Happy Birthday

  9. Panj

    Ottmar, would you have a source, to find one’s colour…as in ‘brown’ Dog?
    I have been searching and have not been able to find a source, and my curiosity has me tapping my fingers…:-)
    Hope you won’t mind my sending Carol a ‘tail wag’…:-)

  10. marc

    Happy belated birthday(s) Ottmar!

  11. Anna

    Happy belated birthday!

  12. Veronica

    Happy birthday! Buon compleanno! Buen cumpleano! You don’t get me , do you? Never mind, I am just one of those who saw you in a concert probably 1 years ago in Turin, Italy and have listening to your music ever since, and before than.By chance I discover that you have a diary, I say by chance because despite we live in a web generation I do not really spend so much time on it, and probably miss out on a lot, i don’t know

    Fact is that I can communicate with you, it seems strange, something I desired for at least 20 years!!!

    well happy birthday though a bit late!!
    are you ever playing in London?

  13. Veronica

    Errata corrdige: 15 years ago


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Concert Dates

Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Thu, Feb 20 2025 in Sacramento, CA
@ Sofia Theater


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