02022-11-26 | Guitar, Lx, Music, Video
My guitar was delivered to the apartment just moments ago and I was thrilled to see that it was in perfect condition. Not a scratch on guitar or case. Very happy.
The music is something new I am working on. It’s a 6/8 feel over 4/4 and the second guitar will be a plucked reggae part. I just played the second guitar part along with the video and it works very nicely.
Recorded with a phone propped up against a pillow. :-)
02009-02-17 | Photos, Studio
Top: 1.4 aperture, shallow DOF.
Middle: used a small strobe (((resting on a roll of gaffer tape, of course))) – each of the little blue points reflected on the second and third fret is a flash from the strobe
Bottom: used the strobe here as well, but the left hand moved less. I like what the bass strings look like in this one
02008-07-17 | Ottmar, Performance, Photos, Touring
Adam sent me a link to his photos from the Blue Note in Manhattan in April.
The guitar is my Flamenco Negra from 2002 (La Semana, One Guitar, The Scent of LIght), which I prefer for the solo performances as it has a slightly fuller, richer sound.