Stolen Goods

As expected, the people behind WeLove-Music simply re-uploaded the files to Rapidshare and the music is once again available for free download. See here, for example. I sent another email to RapidShare and also asked a friend at Blogger for advice. His suggestion was to complain to Google using this form. Note that I have to send a letter by snailmail or fax. And what will prevent the person to simply start a fresh new free Blogger account? Nothing.

Well, this took an interesting turn. In the afternoon I wrote to the email address on the Blogger profile and asked the person to stop giving away music that isn’t his/hers to give away. In the evening I received a reply with an apology and the promise that the files would be deleted. I just checked and they are gone.

One Guitar Remixed

Andrews Gaskins took me up on this challenge:

I would love to hear somebody using my solo guitar recordings for remixes. Hm, maybe remixes that are NOT dance-mixes… remixes that don’t have a big beat… remixes that are more like collages…

He remixed three of the tracks from One Guitar. You can find out more about the artist on his own web site.

Tuatara – East of the Sun

Message from Barrett:

Fast Horse Recordings-Tuatara “East Of The Sun”
Just letting you all know that the new Tuatara album “East Of The Sun” is now available for listening online, at our virtual jukebox (link above). The album will not be available for sale till the June 12th street date – you all get the first listen!

With Barrett’s permission I am posting the above link for your listening pleasure. Here is the bio.

Funny you should mention that…

Ghoonter comments:
I have often wanted to purchase music on LL for a friend or family member as a gift. Along with the “email-a-friend” idea, it would be nice to have the option to buy a gift for a friend, and then have the information sent to them via email so they can download… or maybe it would have to be a gift certificate code or something.

Funny you should mention that! I have been torturing Canton with that idea for a while: an option to buy a ListeningLounge gift for a friend, and the choice of emailing the gift-certificate code to the friend right away or printing out the information for old-fashioned “analog” gift-giving. Well, I am happy to let you know that Canton is working deep in the bowels of the LL and we should have this implemented sometime in March. Multiple gift-giving will also be possible, meaning that you can do all of your gift-shopping at once – this could be especially interesting to companies wanting to give music to their employees, or people with lots of friends… they would be able to enter multiple recipient’s email addresses – all very quick and painless.