I found this yesterday, while searching for something else. It’s an old live recording of the late Baden Powell playing (his?) Prelude in Am. I can’t seem to find the music on any of his albums. Does anyone know more about this piece?
on 02024-04-26 at 12:46
There appear to be a couple of variations on Apple Music:
Yeah, I found those, too. They don’t rock my boat like that live version though. There is something about that long version that is so lovely. It’s not just that he plays each phrase longer it’s also they WAY he plays it. I guess the recorded album versions are just short extracts because the producers couldn’t envision it?
There appear to be a couple of variations on Apple Music:
Yeah, I found those, too. They don’t rock my boat like that live version though. There is something about that long version that is so lovely. It’s not just that he plays each phrase longer it’s also they WAY he plays it. I guess the recorded album versions are just short extracts because the producers couldn’t envision it?
I will give this a listen. Thank you.
It’s another live recording and doesn’t quite have the same feel. I wish there was a better recording of it because the piece is quite lovely.