La Semana

As you might have noticed if you looked in the LL, the “La Semana” album now has a new and slightly different cover. After the Januay 2007 bancrupcty of distributor 33rd Street, which was owned by Tower Records, the SSRI CDs (“La Semana” and “Winter Rose”) they had in stock were sold to the highest bidder. We were not given an opportunity to buy the product. As a result we have not seen a cent from any of the “La Semana” or “Winter Rose” CDs you find in stores now. Since we sold out of the copies we had I thought it would be nice to create a new cover for the album, which will be released in a 6-panel DigiPak – just like the other recent releases 1G, Thira and Transit 2. The new “La Semana”, with identical content, will sell from our online store and through our new distributor Burnside sometime in December.

Here is the new “La Semana” cover:
New La Semana Cover
– and this was the old one:
Old La Semana Cover

If you want the new artwork, and you already have the CD or the files, you can download the PDF here.

Back from SLC

I am back. Had a wonderful time performing solo in Salt Lake City. Both performances included video-projection of my photos. The Memorial House had a nicer sound than the Alto Club, I thought, but I enjoyed both audiences. End of this week I will do a benefit performance in Cancun, Mexico, and the last performance of the year will be a solo performance on December 22nd at the Vilar Center in Beaver Creek, Colorado.

Salt Lake City Weekly

Salt Lake City Weekly – Independent Guide To News, Arts & Entertainment
Music | Monk Funk: Guitarist Ottmar Liebert likes you close.

There’s a spaciousness, an intensity to the sound of One Guitar that evokes deserts and mountains. But there’s also at times an almost aching sense of concentration, of focus on a note, on the plucking of a string, the source of which might just as well come from his long-standing commitment to meditation.


He wants listeners who view instrumental music as no more than background music, to “dive into it and give it your own translation.”

Some translation is already provided through titles such as “Night Traveling Raindrops,” the track’s chorus a gorgeous re-creation of listening to the rainfall. It was named by a German fan from Bavaria. “This Spring Release 10,000 Butterflies” was a Liebert title. He wrote that song for Genpo’s dharma successor Diane Hamilton. When they met a few months after he finished it, she said she’d been dreaming of butterflies all the previous month.

Read the whole piece here.
Monk Funk. Nice. Other interesting interview titles here.


I am leaving for Salt Lake City tomorrow. On Friday at 7PM I will play solo at the Alta Club and on Saturday at 7PM I will play solo at The Memorial House – both concerts benefit the Kanzeon Zen Center in SLC. More info here and here.

Grammy Ballot

Yesterday evening I received this email from Barrett:

I just got the Grammy ballots today and congratulations, you all made the cut. I have attached the pdfs for the three categories of New Age, Jazz, and Folk so you can see your competition. So to help you find your names (it’s alphabetical) here are the numbers:
Ottmar Liebert (One Guitar) and Stephen Duros (Thira) are both listed in the Best New Age album category as Stephen #032 and Ottmar #059
Jon Gagan (Transit 2) is listed in Best Contemporary Jazz Album as #021
Round Mountain (Truth and Darkness) is listed in Best Traditional Folk Album as #042

For your consideration, if you are voting member of Naras.

The first selection was made by Grammy commitees and this first vote is made by members of Naras, who received ballots in the mail. Their vote decides which 5 items are officially nominated in each category. A second set of ballots will then be sent out that decides the winner from the five choices.

PS: and let’s not forget Rahim AlHaj and Souhail Kaspar who are listed in the Traditional World Music Album category with When the Soul Is Settled: Music of Iraq – #001!!


Thursday morning started like this:
In the evening we listened to Matt Schoening‘s electric cello performance. Afterwards he asked me to join him and we came up with 3 pieces that the audience very much enjoyed. A CD of Matt’s music will be released later this month. You can find out more on his web site.
Photo by R. Mac Holbert
Well, technically that photo was taken on Friday as it was after midnight…