The Scent of Light

Echoes August CD of the Month
Ottmar Liebert: The Scent of Light
Nouveau Flamenco pioneer expands in cinematic colors

Ottmar Liebert created Nouveau Flamenco 18 years ago, and he’s been bending and stretching its boundaries ever since. The Scent of Light isn’t a radical departure, but a subtle shading of the Nouveau Flamenco sound with a layered and colored soundscape that brings new breadth and depth to Liebert’s music. The Scent of Light is our CD of the Month for August.

John Diliberto
((( (((echoes))) )))

Thanks. I like the term cinematic colors.

Tower Theater in Bend

Tower Stage
Tower Stage: view towards audience
0840 pick to go to the local radio station. Asked to play a song I play an excerpt from “Three Days Without You”. Radio personality announces that this music is great for menopause, as it’s the first time she is without hot-flashes. A marketing angle we have overlooked so far.

Soundcheck – photo by Stevo

Afterwards coffee at Bellatazza.
Before the performance Jon and I eat at 28, which is where the Tapas restaurant Barcelona used to be.

Instrumental Storytelling

OL- The Record 7.10.08 Instrumental storytelling drives the music of Ottmar Liebert
“I’m not really looking for continuity,” Liebert said of Luna Negra. “I enjoy the different personnel shifts and the music they bring. It keeps me insistent (((I think I said interested, but we talked via mobile))) because each time (there are new members) the music has to be adjusted and played differently. The fans get a new interpretation of it every time.”

Liebert’s sound has long given record store owners (or iTunes programmers) fits over where to stock his music. A fusion of world beat, flamenco, jazz, new age and classical, it stubbornly refuses to settle into just one suitable category.

You can read the rest here. Thanks for the interview and the cover!

You do have a Choice…

The Scent of Light
You can buy my best album ever (only time will tell…) from our ListeningLounge, you can order the CD from our web store, or you can wait two more weeks until the CD hits the stores and downloads become available elsewhere on June 17th.

Now or later… your choice. If you buy the album now – do leave a comment as to which track you would select to be given away (in 128kbps form) as part of our SSRI Sampler. Tell me which is your favorite piece on the album and which piece you think would appeal to others the most – and that might not be the same track. Thanks.