100% Genuine Naugahyde Holidays

In 1999 we made one hundred of these CDs. Jon recorded and produced the album, which he titled: “Dean & the Martinis – 100% Genuine Naugahyde Holidays”. We created a metal box package which we called: “Merry Millenium Dawn and Happy Holidays 99”. It won some kind of packaging award, but I don’t remember where…

Check in tomorrow, answer a couple of questions correcty, and win one of five packages I will give away.


This will be the last post before my little retreat, which starts Tuesday Morning. I will maintain radio silence until the weekend.

You pay your singers? (video)
A funny and brilliant little video!
Here is the direct link on YouTube. I hope it get spread far and wide.

The Art of Interruption – by Steve Martin

Here is a pair of viewpoints of current affiars that is, perhaps, a little different from most media outlets:
Not such wicked leaks – by the great Intalian author Umberto Eco
The Shameful Attacks on Julian Assange

Machete don’t text (YouTube)

From Canton, in the evening:

It’s from this book: Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age. It is not available for Kindle, but I found it for eight bucks on Nook, Barnes & Noble, and started reading it. Highly recommended.